From A to ZWhat we Do

The BehSci team offers a variety of supports and services to our GC partners. Book a meeting and learn more about how the central team or a BehSci Fellow can tailor our services to your organizations.

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Research, behavioural design, and testing

We collaborate closely with our partners to run end-to-end projects that result in scaled, evidence-based interventions to improve public policy, programs, or services.

  • Example

    To increase uptake of the Canada Learning Bond -- an educational savings incentive that helps low-income families save for their children’s post-secondary education -- our team integrated principles from BehSci into promotional letters sent to eligible recipients of the bond. Best-performers were identified in a nationwide randomized controlled trial, and have gone on to inform full-scale mail-outs to help ensure that as many children as possible receive the CLB.

Expert Guidance

If testing is not possible, or our GC partners have a need to integrate behavioural insights into the design of a new policy or program on a short time horizon, we can offer recommendations and guidance on the basis of reviews of rapid, relevant literature reviews, rapid behavioural analyses, and our expertise and experience.

  • Example

    To maximize the uptake of pardons for cannabis possession after legalization - particularly among disadvantaged groups - our team helped inform the design of a behaviourally-informed application process to reduce the administrative and financial burdens on the applicants.

BehSci Capacity Building

We help departments grow their ability to apply BehSci to policy priorities by offering strategic advice, resources, and workshops and other learning opportunities.

  • Example

    The IIU founded the Behavioural Insights Community of Practice within the Government of Canada in 2016. Today, its 500+ members regularly connect online and in-person to share and learn about best practices, research methodologies, and experimentation results.

Book a meeting

To learn more or explore working with us, please contact Jessica Leifer, Senior Lead, Behavioural Science at

If you’d like to host a Behavioural Science Fellow in your organization, you can learn more here.

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